Well I finally made it to the San Diego IRBA show... and am a bit disapointed... was expecting something much bigger. But all in all it was fun. Saw a lot of impressive animals. Like the albino nile... nice.. 100,000$ ball pythons... LOL... Was let down by a few breeders/vendors with their short answers and obvious dislike to talk about anything.. but there were others who were very friendly. Loved the guys at the American Cricket Ranch, cannot remember the name- but there were some folks there selling inverts and they were very friendly and informative, and of course the folks from Geckos Etc.(where I bought a little something)
Took my hubby-Jesse, our friend-Dustin, kids- Liam and Gwen, brother and sister in law Jacob and Katie.


My hubby, Jesse and our kids Liam and Gwen

My sis-in-law Katie

LOL Dustin debating on whether to try a mealie or not..... he didn't.


A group pic.. kinda..

Jesse and our friend Dustin

Gwennie and Liam enjoying chocolate bars.. and not sharing... grrrr
