After many hours of driving and a few hours at in-laws helping Katie set up Trico's cage and just relaxing, we are finally home!!!
Gwen and her daddy
Dustin giving Gwen a better look.... if she has a fear of hieghts later on in life I know why....
haha snuck up on Liam.. he was a bit camera shy, for once.
Gwen pissed off that she cannot hold Piccolo longer... lol she is so cute..
Gwen got to hold a Beardie, she loved it. I liked it too. Really calm and so darn cute! She also got to pet a durmeril boa. And dove right into the bowls of mealworms... lol wish I had got a pic of that.. I got so sidetracked forgot I had the camera til after we got out. Liam didn't want to hold anything. He is sick today so I think he wasn't feeling well yesterday... poor thing... I was soo close to asking to hold a tarantula.. but couldn't do it. next time....
Hoping to take Katie to the IRBA show on Aug 16(her b-day) and pick up a few more leopard geckos.. great I found another addiction... LOL